DH Job Hunting
I’m often tagged in tweets or Facebook posts, asking “where do you find digital humanities job postings?”
“Digital humanities” jobs exist in many different forms across different professional fields and disciplines. When seeking a digital humanities job, I recommend that the seeker narrow her focus to the kind of work that she wants to do and in what type of profession.
Below is list of suggested places to find digital humanities jobs. Some of these lists contain digital jobs only, while others require the seeker to browse through more general listings. Remember that not all jobs are posted publicly–DH or others–but are circulated by word-of-mouth. Old fashioned networking is still a good method for finding alt-ac DH jobs.
Please leave comments if I have missed any other good places to find digital humanities job postings, and I will add them to the list.
DH: all fields and professions
- DH Now: http://digitalhumanitiesnow.org/category/news/job/
- UCLA DH Weekly, http://www.cdh.ucla.edu/news-type/jobs/
- HASTAC, https://www.hastac.org/opportunities
- DH + Lib: http://acrl.ala.org/dh/category/jobs/
- Code4Lib: http://jobs.code4lib.org/
- Council on Library and Information Resources Post-doctoral Fellows: http://www.clir.org/fellowships/postdoc
- Museums and the Web: http://museumsandtheweb.com/jobs
- American Association of Museums, Job HQ, http://aam-us-jobs.careerwebsite.com/c/search_results.cfm?site_id=8712
Digital Public History and Humanities (all)
- National Council on Public History: http://ncph.org/cms/careers-training/jobs/
- American Association for State and Local History, http://about.aaslh.org/jobs/
- Federal positions (NPS, Smithsonian, National Archives, et al): https://www.usajobs.gov/
- American Council of Learned Societies Fellows Program: https://www.acls.org/programs/publicfellows/
Faculty, Post-Docs, Admin
- H-net: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_browse.php?category_id=29
- American Historical Association: http://careers.historians.org/
- MLA Job List: https://www.mla.org/jil
- College Art Association: http://careercenter.collegeart.org/jobs/
- Chronicle Vitae: https://chroniclevitae.com/job_search/new
- Inside Higher Ed: https://careers.insidehighered.com/
I sometimes find public history postings on the AASLH’s job board that aren’t listed by the NCPH: http://jobs.aaslh.org/jobs/. A low percentage of these tend to be DH jobs, but they do occasionally show up there.
Thanks, Julie, that is a good suggestion. I’ve added it to the list.